Thursday, February 19, 2015

A little self love

My major weak points in the material world are self care things. Essential oils, fancy teas and coffees, chocolate, soft pants, decadent foods, massages.... These are what top my self care list. Couple all of those things with friends and travel and I'm in paradise.

I've kinda gotten over the price we pay for a lot of these things though. I certainly appreciate the time and space that goes into creation, but for self sustainability, I want to know how to do them myself. 

So I've been playing with teas and oils cause they seem way easier than pants and chocolate. 

I busted out some spearmint (because the vata in me doesn't like peppermint), and some licorice root, (because it makes my digestive system feel like heaven and it is a little bit sweet), and I mixed 1/4c of each into 12 cups of water and boiled it for 15 minutes. Then I strained it and now I drink it. It's delicious!!! I think it's pretty similar to the tea Aveda serves at their locations... But they use peppermint. And it doesn't cost $15 to buy a container of it. 

Sorry to all you people that don't live in the US that I'm speaking gibberish too about measurements, it'll be easy enough to google the conversion. 

The second thing I did was some essential oil dental care, maybe not to be used in place of toothpaste ALL the time, but it does provide a freshness that's pretty rad! I have been trying toothpaste at night and the oil in the morning. Magic. In. My. Mouth. 

Take 2tsp of almond oil as a base
Add in:
12 drops of myrrh
15 drops of peppermint
2 drops tea tree
2 drops of clove
2 drops of cinnamon
6 drops of lemon

Now I also typically incorporate some shower love into my days as well. Not living in a super humid environment has taken its toll on my skin and I use it more often than I did when I was in Thailand. But I made a very simple body scrub. 

Epsom salt
Sweet almond oil
Essential oils of your choice

Put it in a jar that is easy enough to scoop out of with your fingers. Add about 20 drops of essential oils first, then follow it by filling the jar 3/4 of the way with salt, top it off with sweet almond oil (or any other choice), and shake it up. Adjust the proportions as you need to. 

Keep this in your shower and after you've scrubbed yourself clean scrub down with the oil, rinse the salt and dab yourself dry. 
It'll keep some good moisture in your skin. Way better than lotion!

If you want some ideas on blends according to your skin or mood let me know. I'd love to help!