Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I read this awesome inspiration today....

It was a message that talks about being present and how this person magically walked down the street and saw people on iphones, with headphones, texting, walking, talking, riding, etc, etc.  And how nobody was stopping to look at the beauty of the world.  The writer / observer thought he would stop and take a look around a couple of times to initiate a bit of presence.  Beautiful concept, I am serious this is so amazing and so true that we can take more time to acknowledge our surroundings with a deeper sense of appreciation.
But it pays no merit to the other side of the equation which is avoidance.  Because sometimes we can only take little bits of life in at a time.

I think of this writer's somewhat pretentious comment about how present he was and how no one else was that and I become slightly (ok, really) angry.  I am in the thickest part of pain and if I were to be fully present with it I think I would likely combust and destroy everything and everyone around me.  For the record and coping it feels good to blow out my ear drums with music that soothes and breaks my soul simultaneoulsy, it feels good to text and get responses of support. shit talking banter, and love from friends.  It makes my life easier right now.  It allows me to take in small bits at a time what I cannot process, which I believe is how most of us our operating.  

So, when we take a look around and decide what people think life should look like, we are most likely forgetting that we are all trying to get through something and doing the best we know how to do at that moment.  Your words on staying present are beautiful and inspiring.  But let us not forget that there are two sides to every equation, there is the light and the dark.  Your opinion on the situation may not always bring it to balance, or be appropriate to preach.

Let us instead dance that line of when avoidance becomes inhibiting and when too much presence causes an ego complex.  And let us do this dance together so that everyone has the space they need for this exploration and instead of verbally reminding someone what the world should look like, we portray it by our actions.


We are not guru's to anyone but ourselves.  We do not know best for others.  We are free to avoid and sit with whatever we need to at any time.  Each of these actions has a place.  It is the dance of the light and the dark, the sun and the moon, the emotion and the logic, the man and the woman.

Live the life that is authentic to you.  Be challenged and open. Listen to what makes your heart happy and act on it.

Also, try not to allow the inspiration of others to grate your nerves and make you angrily "type with purpose" on your keboard a blog about how you just want to jam to music, smoke cigarettes, do yoga, and talk shit over text message.....
