Monday, June 24, 2013

My First Pair of Yoga Pants

I was 18 and it was Christmas.

I had only in the recent months started yoga and was doing it to videos in the upstairs bedroom of the house I lived in.  I would gladly, maybe even excitedly, retreat away from the world I was living in at that point to indulge in the movement of my body.

I really loved yoga right away.  I mean I loved it with every cell in my body screaming for it to be had each and every night before I would embark into my evenings.  My body would move and flow and lift and dance through the video, an hour would expire and my spirit would drop to the floor with the rest of me in a pool of gratitude.  Detached from what was lying ahead of me or behind me, becoming content and satisfied.  And even better, I still LOVE yoga.

When my family bought me yoga pants, a sports bra, a yoga mat with a bag, a strap and a block I nearly cried.  I anxiously put on these pants that had no buttons, no zipper, no waistband or elastic and stated that I was done wearing jeans and blouses and bras with wires and that I would be a yoga instuctor just to wear the clothes.

As many things do my passion and time alloted for yoga would ebb for months and I would return to the pants and they would inspire me to step onto my mat.  Always taking me back to the satisfaction and contenment, igniting the flow of a regular yoga practice back into my life.

And quicker than I would have liked those pants lost their elasticity and became disrespefctfully see through, destined for the trash.  I began my search high and low for the exact same pair that originally stole my heart.  Though it never happened, it was in that search that I began to slowly accumulate "yoga clothes" and gift my friends with all the clothes that I have quite honestly had detested for years.

I truly adore that every day when I get dressed for work it is this type of clothes that I jump into, and that I no longer feel the need to run home and change as quickly as possible to be comfortable.  I would even go so far as to say that it is likely a combination of the clothes and the practice that have caused me to be a teacher and a student for what is now 12 years.

But really, in the great big scheme of everything being everything in the world, it would only make sense.  Yoga made me comfortable, flexible, and powerful in my skin, it got me through some shit times and put me into some shit times.  The clothes have always just been symbolic as to how yoga has made me feel.  Flexible and relaxed in my own skin.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bringing Sexy Back

I once read somewhere that truth is sexy.  

Pictures are popping up everywhere with "big" vs. "small" or "fat" vs. "skinny" women.  Asking questions like "Since when did this become sexier than this?".  (See below picture for reference).  In my opinion there should be no “vs.” involved.  When we sit down and reflect on the people that appeal to us as sexy it is generally not just their physical appearance but instead a deeper sense of spark they have. Something we often refer to as confidence; the way the hold themselves, speak, or smile.    

Confidence by definition is :
full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing
belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities
certitude; assurance

I strongly believe this needs addressed.  Articles are constantly popping up about what a proper body should look like, what proper eating should look like, what proper exercise looks like, but we are still not getting to the root of the issue here.  To address the physical, we must also address the mental / emotional.    
There are many different perspectives on what sexy is, and thanks to the media we have exploited skinny as sexy.  Perhaps the worst part is that we have followed suit for many years, promoting this appeal by buying the clothes, the magazines, the advertisements, and so on.  We, in part, are responsible for this imaging and the distortion that it may hold. 

As an on and off model I will say that the behind the scenes of being that skinny involves sacrificing your soul and continual verbal abuse.  Being that I weighed 110-120lbs at 5’9” and you could count my ribs through my shirt I often found myself being insubordinate to my agent.  However they still managed to pinch, prod and click their tongues that I should shoot heroine between my toes for a few days to slim down for a casting that could be potential big bucks.  I have seen girls drugged, slept with, black listed, verbally abused, and made plastic by surgeries for the price of what our magazines want to portray as “sexy”.  In fact we all have. 

It took an 11 year old girl saying to me that she wanted to look just like me before it hit me just how shit that industry is.  It is important to note that there are companies out there that do not require such things of the people that model their clothes.  But they are fewer and farther between than the ones that do. 

Now as we are beginning to wake up to the disgust that we feel for the lines drawn in the sand about “sexy”.  We are becoming proactive in saying that sexy is dependent on the eye of the beholder, and we will continue on this path of making it more balanced, because it is time we took a healthier approach to our lives. 

Meaning no more anorexia and no more obesity… accepting ourselves at a body weight that works for us and putting the effort in to eat healthy and stay active. 

Truth is sexy, and that truth differs from person to person.  There is no cure all diet, no perfect exercise program, no right way to apply your make up, or to dress.  Instead we have opportunities everyday to take care of ourselves by eating the foods that give us energy and make us feel good, whether that be a carrot or potato chips.  We have the chance every day to go for a walk or stretch, or do some jumping jacks.  It is in these processes we learn about ourselves and our bodies, we create the space for us to connect to what works for us rather than what our neighbor said they did to “get the weight off”. 

Humans are brilliant.  I mean look at the things that we create on a daily basis and through the centuries, and yet we fail to embrace a healthy lifestyle.  We blame our jobs, our busy life, our money situation, our emotions, and our health when really we are in charge of it all.  We set the boundaries in our own life, in each and every situation.  And when we go to the store and we buy a shape magazine with a little “perfect” body on the cover we support the idea and the definition of what is sexy and appealing.  We literally buy into it every time we spend our money on it, proving to the people behind the scenes that this is okay.  So, ask yourself, do you really think this is okay? 

We can become sexier by putting in the effort and creating the confidence that we are able to take responsibility and accountability for ourselves, because that is truth, individual truth., and that is a sexy that no one else can possibly mimic.  It eliminates over eating, under eating, stress eating, and laziness because we listen to ourselves and our needs, and then we act on those needs.  

Grow your own food, or at least some of it.  You can grow herbs and veggies in just a pot if that’s all you have space for.
Go for a walk, we all have spare minutes in our day.  Just get off the phone, off the computer, off the couch and see where you go, even if it is laps around the living room.
Stretch.  Bend over try and touch your toes.  Bend from side to side.  Twist and turn.  There are endless podcasts out there and endless information on the internet.

Don’t by fashion magazines, diet pills, exercise gimics, and “guaranteed to fix you” information. 

Only you can fix you. 

Tell your boss, your family, your friends what you need.  Create boundaries, it builds respect. 

Dammit, I didn’t want to create a list of “fix it” ideas.  I just wanted to give you ideas for how you can take charge in your life.

Rather than a size or a weight wouldn’t we prefer if sexy was a state of mind, an empowered state of mind.  I am not talking feminist “I am woman hear me roar”, I am talking about “I know who I am, I will honor who I am, I will act on my beliefs, I know how to take care of myself”.  Thank you and have a great day. 

Be sexy in your own right, because you deserve it and the world deserves it.  No 11 year old should think that “skinny” is the definition of sexy.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yoga is like a fortune cookie

Yep, that is the wisdom that resulted from my practice today.  I know, I know... it's profound!

But before you begin to think of me brilliant for spitting out incredible metaphors to explain the worlds mysteries, please read on....  

One day you climb on your mat.  You start your practice and you start to feel this shit happening!  Your muscles are getting stretched, you feel bone on bone, muscle on bone, fire in thighs, fatigue in shoulders and suddenly you know your body a little bit more.  It becomes a process of knowledge and awareness rather than some addition to your work out routine.  It is a bit of space in a big wide world where we do not give ourselves enough space.

You know the way a fortune cookie sometimes makes you stop and think about how you may be able to apply it to your life; yoga poses make you stop and think about why your body is the way that it is.  It unfolds your habits and reveals to you strengths, weakness, and tension... and it makes you apply yourself. 

After class you walk away feeling better, ideally.  You can move your body with a little more freedom and maybe you notice that your back doesn't hurt, you can bend forward with out feeling like you will tip over, you can twist to turn around with out shooting pains in your neck, and you have better posture.  And all of this because you strecthed your muscles, you opened it up, you read what it had to say, you applied it to your life and now you are your own guru.  BOOM!

That shit is huge!  Your own guru... think about it.  Take a little time to ponder what this means because it is no small thing.

You get to know your own needs, your own boundaries (and I am still only talking physically, his doesn't even go into what you are feeling mentally) and you learn how to address your own body.

In short, you become in charge.

How's that for a fortune cookie?  "Hi welcome to your life... you are now in charge"  (This also means that you are responsible and accountable for how you feel at all times).

Next time you walk into a yoga class, take the moments that are silent (god I hope those moments exist), and listen to what your body is telling you.  Learn about yourself.  Become your own guru.  Be your own power and embrace that you know far better for yourself than any other person could ever tell you.  All of this because you take the time to listen to what is going on.  You open it up, you read, you apply!

See?  I told you yoga is like a fortune cookie!  Maybe not as tasty though.....

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How breathing can change your life

"We may learn to stay present with our physical sensations, but if the diaphragm is hypertonic (or too tight, just like your shoulders) or the stomach can’t move properly in the abdominal cavity, we will have to work really hard to achieve calm presence when we could instead work to unblock stagnation and release tissues..." 

Most of us have heard something about diaphragmatic breathing somewhere along the lines in our life.  Rarely is this ever so important breath broken down in detail as to how it should work, or why it is so freaking important.  The above quotation has summed up what I have felt for years about the importance of breathing.  I wanted to take some time to break it down today, to have the logical explanation of why we take deep breaths to calm ourselves down.

But do not breath into your belly first.  Your stomachs main function is not to breath, it is to digest.  Your  lungs  are meant for breathing, so use them.  Fill them from top to bottom when you breath.  When we inhale our intercoastal muscles (the muscles between the ribs) and the diaphragm ( to expand out so that the lungs can fill properly.  Once the rib cage has created space for the lungs to fill our diaphragm pushes down into our belly and pushes the belly button away from the spine.   

The inhale brings energy into our body, delivering oxygen to our heart, blood, and muscles which also stimulates the nerves.  

Breath out of your belly FIRST.  Engage or flex your abdominal muscles as if pulling the belly button towards the spine to push the diaphragm back up into the rib cage putting pressure on the lungs to empty and breath out.  In a natural exhale the muscles between the ribs and the diaphragm will release their contraction and the lungs will empty.  By engaging the muscles of the core we are putting emphasis on the control of our breath.  

The exhale releases energy from the body, calming our nervous system, and releasing carbon monoxide from the body.  Think about how you sigh in situations where there is frustration or tension has been released, this is the bodies way of letting it all go.  

To reconnect to the very beginning of this post, if you breath incorrectly you are putting unneccsary tension into the diaphragm and the body.  By building these tensions physically you will find mental discomfort as well, with outcomes such as headaches, anxiety, moodiness, insomnia, and a disconnection to how you are really feeling.  For these syptoms to be relieved we must first teach ourselves to breath correctly so that our muscles are releasing tension, which in turn will release tension from our nerves.

As our breath steadies out our bodies are able to balance the "rest and digest" (parasympathetic, ) with the "fight or flight" (sympathetic, ).  We become better able to make decisions, , learn to control our tempers, and over all relax!

Ok, so that is a more logical approach as to why we learn to breath correctly.  I have also attached an 8 minute audio walking you through the breath.  If you can, take the time and listen to it.  It's 8 minutes of lying on your back, which I am sure no one will argue is something that we need more of.  In addition, check out the below link about trauma, it is enlightening 

It will change your day, you will walk away feeling a bit calmer and with a better understanding of how the breath effects you.  
