Get out of your head (stop thinking about it) and get into your body (and feel it)!
The above idea (getting out of your head and into your body) was born from watching students wiggle and squirm about during the still poses in yoga class; looking so obviously uncomfortable with the fact that it begins to even make me feel nervous.
I mean , I understand, after all, there is so much to do when you are on a holiday, in paradise with all the time in the world to enjoy classes, food, friendship, and making these long term changes in your life.
(Just kidding guys, well kind of)
But really, we spend so much time these days thinking about the million other things we could or should be doing that we are falling short with the task at hand. We are forgetting to set ourselves up properly for the future we want, whether that be a pose or something bigger, that we hurry to get somewhere that hasn't even happened yet. We finish our yoga class and proclaim with great pride that "we did yoga today".
But did we? Or have we finished the class before we have even started it?
Each time we step onto our mat we have the opportunity to pay very close attention to how we really feel about the things that we are doing. It does not need to be thought about or analyzed, but rather experienced and witnessed for what it is. We can impliment curiousity, and become child-like. We can simply be in this space of movng ourselves in ways that would be considered quite awkward anywhere but here in a yoga class.
In recent months I have been involved in the process of "branding" myself and what I do. I often feel so disconnected from such an act and when I start to think about it too much I "do my head in" and get a bit "mental". My classes essentisally go to hell in a handbasket and I feel confused about my own self and teaching style.
This causes me to reach out to the people who enjoy my classes and ask them what makes my style special. I am met with the similar answers everytime and am grounded back down as to why I do what I do. You guys, the people I get the amazing opportunity to work with, are the ones that make me FEEL an unbelievable amount of love for what I do. Rooting me back down from the insane madness of the yoga world, because when it gets business-y it is madness, and helping me to reconnect to the passion of why I teach and why I practice. Some days you even bring me to tears.
I certainly do not believe I am any hot shit in the yoga world, there are so many great amazing teachers with so much to offer. But when I teach I FEEL all powerful (Bwahahahahah - insert super villian laugh). All kidding aside, yoga makes me get out of my head about what I do and absolutely into the moment where amazing things can happen.